Please do something on titan class it is kind of digusting specially the skill set. it is sad the fearsome tyrant it has only 1 charge unlike before.
the huntress butchered the titan even they have low cp than ours. kindly please do something about it.
Unfortunately, the Titan isn't the only class that suffers from a Huntress' arrows.
I always fear the CC from her shots and very hard to avoid.
I really dont get why people started complaining about titan or warior right now?
From what I experianced before ascension patch with my ranger since I started playing like more than a month ago if warior or giant did not have more than +400CP adventage in the arena he was as good as dead, so how bad must he be now for this outrage to happen on the class that already was bad before they tinkered with it?
If a warrior or a giant has to have 400+ CP to win a ranger as you will see it is not balanced, it is logical
This game never was and never will be balanced but I mean why outrage now, those two characters were garbage before ascension, so like from begining of the game? Why did people aweake now?
If you think Huntress is OP wait for the Aweakened Sorc.