6 immunity for a range class is to strong.. melee class are so WEAK like giant they cant even get close and kill range class because of the immunity and no Super armor in Arena and also very small damage.. please fix Huntress overpower issue NERF or remove the immunity, many players are making huntress beacuse of this OP issue, and it is not fun because it is not balance.. giant and other melee characters need to be BUFF and IMPROVE to match up range class..
Check this video it explain how OP the huntress
If I understand you corectly you want PA to NERF everyone else except the class you play, and on top of that make OP the class you are playing.
Huntress defending their chars.Okay, Lets start:
-Ranger now deals the same damage that dealt the Witch in preawa, but with x3 attack speed. Meteor needed a cast time to use and was very obvious when their skill gonna hit and was easy to evade. Now, witches it seems that they are bugged because dont deal half of the HP that they deal in preawa. Look at Kill scores during nodes and you will see that the top 10 in kill scores are rangers with 300 CP less than witches, giants (LOL), valks, warriors (sorry your skillsets arent made for massive PVP :/)
-Ranger has the same quantity of Inmunities than a Giant, a class that is static and can be kiteable so easily. Ranged class shouldnt have the same number of Inmunities and supearmors than a Melee class, is logic. Rangers atm only have to just use dodge, flip and supearmor to win matches in arena and in openworld can kill AT MELEE RANGE, melee classes with 300 more CP.
-Ranger was strong with only 1 iframe (the best inmunity status) because had a ton of mobility and can kite easily all the melee classes. I'm fine that she needs a few more superarmors in ascension because all the classes have better tools to engage, but c'mon, ¿from 1 iframe to 1 iframe and 5 supearmors? In arena 1 iframe 1 supearmor.
As an example: Valk had 2 FG (Shield Chase FG was useless, tho and Charges could be cancelled by Rangers with a piercing arrow) and 4 Supearmors. She needed all that because didnt have the dodge animation. Now in ascension, have the Dodge (slide) (iframe), 1 FG (That can be cancelled by Huntress with a piercing arrow) and 1 Supearmor. God, how you can be serious saying that Huntress is fine, a ranged class that wins every superarmor trade against melee classes AT MELEE RANGE.
-BuT RaNgEr HaVe OnLy 2 InMmUnItIeS iN aReNaS. The same than the rest of classes in Arena. But hey, is just okay that a ranged class get more range, more CC, more protection (1 more superarmor in arena than preawa) and more mobility , and the melee classes get less protection and just more mobility. LMAO ARE YOU SERIOUS?
Now gonna compare with the other classes:
-Witch situation: Huge DMG nerf (pretty obvious, because they hit like a noodle now), less protection but gains more attack speed and higher mobility compared to preawa. She needs a dmg buff or fix their % dmg. Her Heal now recieved a huge CD nerf.
-Giant situation: Huge DMG nerf, a bit better mobility but the most static class and get a bit more protection. Giant in Nodes is really good, in Openworld really good (not in 1vs1 tho because his skillset) but, without protections in arena is just a punching bag for rangers
-Warrior situation, get better mobility and a better block (useless vs valks and rangers) but lost his ranged CC (need the absolute skill) and 2 grabs (i'm fine with that because classes shouldnt need to do a 3 chain grab, 1 grab is all you need).
-Valk situation, I think is strong (but all the classes can do anything vs them) and the only one that can really compete vs huntress in arena but still with disadvantages. The only real tool that she has against huntress in openworld is the grab and good mobility, and this, if you grab the huntress, because probably gonna grab a monster. Valk have a ton of protected skills, but suprise, a Huntress can win a SA trade vs them at melee range and then just dodge and flip and valk gonna run out of dashes and dodges chasing them. While the valk have to do an entire skill rotation to just take half of the Huntress HP, Huntress with just 2-3 protected skills takes the half of the Valks HP. Plus: Her heal get a huge CD nerf.
-Sorc situation, same with Valk. Strong atm and get faster animations and cooldowns (their weak points in preawa). Nerf in arena with less protection like valk and in openworld is very strong (not OP), but sorry, you can't win vs Ranger that is protected 100% time.
Huntress right now are like the Preawa rangers that were using speedhacks, but in this situation, the devs thinks that everything is fine. All non-huntress players are really mad with them because is pretty obviously that they are like walking cheats and only Huntress are defending the class because they obviously know that they are broken. Atm a Huntress can kill in auto farming players with 200 CP more than them.
Meta class? Okay, I'm fine that a Class could dominate one or 2 modes but cmon:
TOP 1 Boss DPS: Huntress
TOP 1 Arena PVP: Huntress
TOP 1 Ramones: Huntress
TOP 1 Nodes/Sieges: Huntress
TOP 1 Farmer: Huntress
TOP 1 Boss DPS: Ranger
Top 1 Arena PVP: Valk (but can lose vs all the classes)
Top 1 Ramones: Ranger/Witch
Top 1 Nodes/Sieges/GW: Witch
Top 1 Farmer: Sorceress
So, as I can see, FOTM Huntress gonna defend FOTM, so hey, you aren't huntress? Just reroll to Huntress. You don't like to be Huntress? Just enjoy be the punching bag or leave the game.