you can play auto on mobile or tablet.. but i agree, that peeps who plays on computer have better advantage than player who plays on mobile!
they uses keyboard for skills nad evade which i find it very easy to do so whilst on mobile sometimes you could easily slip.. also from what ive experience using some skill for example like sorcerer its rather easier to play on pc (emulator) than mobile.. i think devs need to consider about this!
If you play on phone that allows you smooth 60 fps on highest settings than you have bigger adventage than someone who cant even go stable 30 on medium, let's ban everyone who has a phone that's more expensive than 200$
that's the same argument as you make, as dumb as you'res, first thing you can hook up game pad and play with it on phone, or just learn, put few hours into your skills with phone controlls. Instead of facing reality "most likely you just suck at this game like most of the players, and dont want to put in work to get better" you want to bring everyone else to you're level, good luck with that.
Can't see how changing the UI would redress your imperceived imbalance, whatever you do at best you're going to have a 6" screen on even the biggest screen mobiles - whatever the Dev's do, the interface is always going to be a little cluttered. Emulators such as NoX, BlueStacks and Memu for exampe have the ability to record user based macro's so whatever you do to the user interface will always succumb to somone creating a macro for the emulator....
in other words, suck it up buttercup :p
Why would you auto combat in RAMONES??
The only advantage of playing in PC is that they can set up macros and farm 24/7.
In PVP i can f*ck them w my controller. EZPZ
I'm always amused by these threads - nerf this class, nerf that class, hackers / cheaters, emulator macro's etc... they all have a common theme which is a player who doesn't really grasp either the mechanics of the class in question, or the game as a whole - i've tried the arena and ramoness with my archmage, and I suck badly at it but you don't see me here bellyaching that this is clearly the result of some cheating or one class being OP compared to another - its quite simple, I'm bad at PvP dont mind admitting it either.... If I actually gave a toss about it, i might persevere as others have and truly grasped what does and doesnt work in PvP against one class or another... look at the early threads about people complaining about huntress being OP.... few days later people were posting video's of them being hammered into dust by titans, warriors or valks etc...
this sort of thread speaks more of a player blaming the game and its mechanics rather than their own shortcomings....
peace out...