24/7 auto, not a single field drop. Relic alter is at 12% drop rate increase, special chicken soup, normal chicken soup, 10% level 60 bonus, hot time and Outlaw mode all together and I have not gotten a single Field Drop yet!
Not one Epic ACC from world boss when I usually get almost max rolls every time!
I have supported the game, I spent 20$ on this. Its not a lot but its a lot more than this shit deserves at this point. I am playng it because I enjoy PVP centered games like this, but this is complete bullshit.
I feel like I am just being used to feed Higher tier players free kills to boost their ego and keep them happy and wanting to spend big $. If so, then I am doing your job for you, give me my fucking pay check or start dropping what I deserve to get.
Come the hell on.
Totally agree on this one,
Its actually one of the first thing I noticed when I started and checked the market, see its been months since global launch, i'm playing on SEA and I saw no. of trades of good gears (orange-red/2 slotted) are not even a dozen, reds are 0...so much for 20 million download worldwide, yes its obvious not all 20m are playing but pretty sure there's at least hundreds or not thousands of player like you and me who grind almost 24/7 and getting nothing, I bet no one will sell their boss gear, it's f*cked.
been playing BDO for years, its shit sometimes but at least when you try to grind for days you'll actually get something, compared to this its utter BS. I actually think they did this on purpose cause game is so easy lol.
I agree! The way I see it, if you’re spending money on buffs and the occasional pet, outfit or convenience item then you are not a F2P player (especially for a mobile game like this). Unfortunately, Pearl Abyss only caters to whales with a luck buff when you buy pearls. People who spend a crap ton of money on their games always seem to have better drops or success rates. Though the fan boys or white knights (AKA PA/Kakao accounts) will always shoot this notion down, it’s true. Too bad PA doesn’t understand the concept of residual income from the multitude of small transactions from loyal happy players, instead they prefer the high dollar per transaction customers. I guess they don’t realize that after you discourage the masses there will be no one for the whales to play with (or beat on) and they too will eventually drop off.
PA’s latest brain child is to allow you to craft orange gear at your camp but this requires you to have a few orange quality items in your possession and we all know that never happens so you’re back to where you started (crap gear and no hope of ever seeing any gains). Also, the demand goes up on the market for items that are barely ever listed thus raising the price and in turn leaving you with the same outcome or worse. Good show PA!
Let’s examine PA’s typical “Event” boxes or Boss boxes in both PC and Mobile versions for a second. There’s a lot of glorious items listed that gives you the idea that you have a chance of getting something good but after running hundreds upon hundreds of boss scrolls and spending thousands upon thousands of Shakatu coins, you realize that you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning. Recently, I spent 8k at Shakatu and got 3 trash gold items and this was during their increased roll rate event for the Shakatu store. Not one orange item!
The day it occurred to me that this game was a waste of time for a casual player/spender like me was a couple weeks ago when I was standing next to someone at the potion vendor who was completely garbed in boss armor (every piece!). Now, I’ve been playing since launch and I’m max level, 3500 CP, and pretty active until recently but I’ve seen 1 orange drop this whole time (it was a crap item at that) and this guy is standing next to me with all end game items. I would say that there’s a pretty big disparity between his loot rolls and mine, first thought is WHALE to the max!
Don’t get me wrong, I whole heartedly believe in supporting a game you love to play but if there’s an obvious sign of no further progress unless you max out your credit cards then you can count me out! Especially on a mobile game. Not to mention the fact that every other region plays second fiddle to KR and they milk the crap out of holding back content. I love how it says more content coming soon on the right side of the screen, at a snail’s pace I’m sure.
Bottom line (finally), this game has so much potential but as usual PA makes it frustrating and unreasonable to play. Should you get end game gear on every roll? No, that would be absurd and not really fun or challenging. However, make it so that people have a reason to keep playing (not the illusion of being able to make progress but actual progress), and make it fair for everyone not just the people who have a lot of expendable income.
Note to PA or white knights, I’m really not going to read responses because I know how the PR game is played so don’t bother and if this post is removed, I’ll just post this OPINION on reddit as well.
I agree, it is so frustrating to keep up with those whales.. but at least give us good drop!
spent 30k shakatu coin in last 2 weeks, got only 1 orange out of it!
its crazy how the drop rate works in this game.. i mean we grind 24/7. look how messed up the market right now.. like zero orange! you should notice that! you should have release new patch to the game if you dont know hot to deal with the market and drop rate! it sucks... please read and do something about this!! i have maxed all of my gear to +35 but they all are orange slot 1.. idk what to do anymore beside grinding and the weekly node war