Hey PA! - Question about your new Operational Policy 2020-02-11
# 1

I have a question about this part -> "Not responding or answering incorrectly to Game Masters (GM)"


If we farm afk in sleep mode 2-3h and not responding to GM whisper, does that lead to a ban? (Permanent Restriction)

Can you guys explain more about this part please?

Are we allowed to farm in sleep mode 2-3h afk or only farm active and be ready to answer GMs questions as soon they whsiper?


Most people farm mostly in sleep mode and play other games, watch netflix, cooking and etc.

It's not like orange will drop that often so wasting our time staring into the game screen, watching it looting junks is not fun or joyful at all.

An example: If I play Dota2, one game can take much longer than 1h. During that time if i don't answer to the GM does it means ban? 


You guys need to explain more detailed about how this will work, if not many legit innocent sleep-mode farmers will be banned for "not responding to GM"

BDM will turn into a ghost town when everyone are forced to farm afk in black spirit mode :D

2020-02-06 18:57
# 2

 sleep mode isn't something that again the rules, so if you sleep mode 24h/day, it's fine. you didn't violate any rules. and the one who chats you I'm sure he is scammer, GM never chats you and give you a warning. if they do. they will ban your account directly.

2020-02-07 08:05
# 3
Madrose, it's true. Read their new policy that will apply on next update. New rules and policies we are forced to follow. If we play this game it means we agrees to everything they write in that thing.

They never respond on this forum or show up to give answers but still we're not allowed to say anything bad about the game and the company.

GM will show up in game to whisper suspicious players. What if they whisper a legit player that is just afk n play other games. Wouldn't be fair to be banned because you are afk n play other things on pc and can't answer them in time.
2020-02-07 08:31
# 4

“Not responding or answering incorrectly to Game Masters (GM)” refers to the following:

(1) An act of stopping, showing abnormal movement, not answering the question, answering the question wrong, or the like when there are abnormal records found on a character and is being investigated.

(2) An act of moving away from the location, escaping, changing servers, entering another location, exiting the game, closing the chat window, not opening the 1:1 chat window, not visible in the game, and claiming to not be able to read the message sent by the GM.

(3) An act of answering the GM with senseless letters, repetition of letters, or irrelevant answers.

(4) An act of using inappropriate language, offensive terms, threats, swearing at the GM.

※ Members can restricted as members can be suspected of using unapproved programs or manipulating the client, using illegal programs and macros.

※ The same penalties will be applied even if another individual is playing in place of the member.


Read carefully the text, it very specifically says abnormal movement.  This would be indicating possible bots or macros they are investigating.  If you are just AFK grinding, you are going to be fine.

2020-02-07 10:53
# 5

There are players in every game who get upset about a legitimate ban and say "they didn't do anything." To the delight of other players, you can see that the admins are trying to tackle the problems of the game :)


2020-02-08 05:25