Road map is meh.
# 1

Look I appreciate providing a roadmap with the plans they want to do. But to be honest its pretty damn disappointing that we are only getting valencia in 2020. The roadmap they have currently feels like it should fit in Q1 and Q2 of 2020. Things are progressing far too slowly for the game considering how ahead the KR version is. While I am in for the longhaul and excited for more content it is already seeming extremely slow. Southern Mediah addition seemed like perfect timing, but the sorc class should have been out last week with norther mediah coming out next week. The whales and hardcore players are going to burn out if they do not get new zones and classes faster. I have already done 4 alts through mediah.


While not a dev I don't feel like translating and changing the few differences in mechanics warrants such a long wait between content drops. I don't know I just feel like the content is far too slow. Games been out for nearly two months and we got Southern Mediah and one new class in a week?

2020-01-20 12:50
# 2
Nothing is stopping you from downloading bdm kr and playing that instead
2020-01-21 00:30
# 3

In my opinion progression pace is just fine. Yeah, some ppl (including me) are sitting on lvl 60 for some time but I still feel like I`m progressing adding enchant and BS lvls daily to my CP. 

2020-01-21 00:33