New to the game? Be warned.
# 1

They say that Black Desert Mobile is a marathon, not a sprint. That you need to be patient and stick to the game to see progress. That - especially if you are a ftp gamer - you will not be a hero overnight. That you will hit a few progress walls on your way, but eventually will overcome those.

All of this is true - but it does not describe the game properly. The truth is much worse. Here is why:

First off, I am lvl 60 for quite some time now. Camp on lvl 6, black spirit lvl 129, pvp level 74, cp 3344, (soon to be raised when my last piece of equipment hits the 28), so I guess it's fair to say that by now I know what I am talking about. Also I am a BDO veteran, not that it matters, but again: I know what I am talking about).

So the first levels, roughly up to lvl 40 / 50 are quite fun. You get to know your char, the lore, learn how the game works and see some decent progress overall. Somewhere around those levels you will hit the first wall, usually because you lack cp. It does slow down your progress somewhat, but you can overcome this eventually. Buy good yellow weapons and armor on the market, upgrade those. Takes some time, but you can still see that light at the end of the tunnel.

You are still busy with building up your camp, leveling horses, progressing through the quest. It got slower, but not so slow that you feel exhausted. This comes a bit later.

Hitting lvl 60 with your gear upgraded, your camp top notch working - this is the point when you REALLY hit a wall. How to progress now? Orange weapons and armor drop rate is a joke (even the yellow drops are awefully rare, as you have learned by now). The market for those oranges is completely dead, because everyone keeps those for himself. Shakatu is laughing in your face, because you spend about 1000 gold coins everyday with no result (best for me: the yellow liverto weapon. Not only best, but the only Shakatu drop worth mentioning). Forcing the upgrades of your equipment is a joke - I wanted to write a bug report the other day, because I succeeded. Fusing diamonds and lightstones results in : fuse three shitty ones to get one shitty one. I have one orange lightstone and two yellows by now, plus two (useless) yellow diamonds. Playing day by day, average 5 hours. I am sitting on a big pile of ingame silver - but there is nothing I can spend it on, because, as mentioned: the market is dead (yes, there are some orange weapons and armorpieces, but these are the shitty ones, not worth buying).

So, generally spoken: You will have a good time the first two or three weeks (depending on your average playtime), but sooner or later you will get to the point when you ask yourself: what am I even doing here? minimal progress for maximum timesink.

Don't come here and complain when you hit that point, because you have been warned now.


2020-01-18 17:46
# 2
This hit me too, im still using my shitty yellow gear, not getting single mystical gear since 26 December :) they said this is based-system, but based-system of what? Too tired of this game. We love their game, but they dont even care about us :)
2020-01-18 20:32
# 3

@ChickenRoast the game just started. Like he said said it's a marathon, not a sprint. It's a progression game, it takes time. No need to rush, no need to stress. The game is not complete yet. More are still coming: (Awakening, other classes, etc.) The late game is still far. Just casually play and enjoy with your friends. 

2020-01-18 21:18
# 4
Hm 26 december til now, thats a long time ago. Not a short time dude, not marathon again but dying while running. All my 5 friend they got 2 or 3 mystical, but me? zero dude. Is it fair to you? Im playing more then my friend.
2020-01-18 23:29
# 5

LOL Calling the force enhancement crystals a joke doesn't even begin to cover it. Out of a total of 20 I have received so far, almost all of them orange, 2 worked, both on my liverto weapon. All the rest, weapon and armor, have failed. Every time I get one of those from WB I feel like I was just handed a bag full of doggy sh*t.

Pathetic joke is a far more apt description of that waste of a "reward".

2020-01-19 14:39
# 6
Im lvl36 and can’t find anymore quest can you help me. Tia
2020-01-19 20:40
# 7
Pit: you stick to your story line quests. If you hit a CP problem you can do side quests and or boss runs. Or you can afk hunt (red mobs) that will still gain xp.

The game is new on mobile platform , so you can expect tons of changes such as no auto node wars no auto nightmare mode. You can expect better loot drop percentages. As the game progresses you will notice these char releases you will receive better gear so on and so forth. The problem is there are players who progress faster than the developers intended hence lack of content end game. It was the same on PC and xbox , people were crying about how slow these content releases were coming. Now everything kind of caught up gave players something to work for. It is a marathon there is no beating the game. Just like every other mmorpg out there. You work towards gear have fun, gear go obsolete for the next big expansion start over. The key is to pace yourself have fun and stick with the changes , adapt or die guys. I will say this mobile platform is very simplistic compared to pc and xbox. I wish xbox version was more like mobile version. I felt overwhelmed on xbox like I couldn't catch up. Anyway that's my 2 cents.
2020-01-20 10:15
# 8
Yep i understand that, but this is mobile game right? We cant just play 24 hours. I know this game has black spirit mode, but someone who has experience play in korea vers said KPM on online mode is more than BSM. More drops, more kills, more chance to get “better gear” drop, so the player who play on pc have more benefit, right?
2020-01-22 03:23