The problem of New server
# 1
At this moment, there are only few players are playing BDM right now.
If PA makes new server in this small pool, several people will go over new server, and only few people will be remain in main server.
Then the problem becomes bigger, there will be no matching in Node, battle of the sun, siege, black sun, night of vengeance, Ramones.
Server will be empty.
If server is empty, people is start to not spending any money on the game if there are no competition. Basically if there are only one contents which is auto farming, who is going to spend money on the game.
Especially highest farming zone in only 59k while most of people cp are 70k.
Lack of contents always leads to quit then it will impact to PA as well like PA profit will be decrease.
It seems like PA is asking players to leave the game.

2024-04-01 22:22
# 2
Didn't they just merge Kaia and Mediah into a single server?
2024-04-02 06:15
# 3
What did you think about a shadow Server?
2024-04-21 18:44