What's one thing in the game that annoys you the most?
# 1
Honestly, it's when I do boss rushes on "raise difficulty."
It goes on auto-play, I cancel auto, it goes on again being persistent, and about 3 more times before it admits defeat.

(My character's poor defense would go as an alternative. High attack, low defense smh.)

What's yours?
2020-01-06 15:39
# 2

Most annoy thing in game is unmotivated grinding.

Also in my opinion there is flow in autobattle when hero uses low damage skills instead of 200-300% ultrals.

For example ,on boss rush the boss mob cp is 2000 my is 2270 and my hero gets killed at the end becouse of this flow, three times !

I have to do semi -automated battle when had to click on ultra skills manualy . So fix combination of skills in auto battle please.

When in dungeon in auto combat hero need to act like real player would do. When attaking lone opponent use low power skills.

But when attacking a cluster use ultrals that deals most damage to kill anything on sight fast.

Also in boss fight the hero should not act as a bot. Meaning ,always manuver get behind the boss ,ets.

Since boss have lots heath focus most should be on to use mostly ultra skills.

If hero have low power or health then it should retreat, run away as real player would do ,to heal and get recharged power for use the ultra skills again.

For now auto- bot battle is joke ,need a little work. Ty.

2020-01-06 17:18
# 3
Ah, I feel you.
Thats why we stock up on 10,000 potions each time.
When my character is near death, I start getting an anxiety attack for some apparent reason.
Auto-fight sucks tbh.
2020-01-06 18:38
# 4
I think the most annoying thing about the game is peoples complain too much, about everything. Just play the damn game, the game developers cant caters to everyone. There will be some good and some bad things on every game u play. Suck it. XD...
2020-01-07 02:58
# 5
For me, there are two annoying things.
First: the kill 1800 whatever grind quests which actually pushes you to use auto mode - which then leaves you without skill when playing by yourself ...
actually I have until now (lvl 58) only played the boss missions by myself - the rest has been auto play - and now I can’t defeat the first mediah Boss due to missing playing skills cause I don’t know how to play, cause I did everything on auto...

Second annoying thing is missing pvp balance - as a melee character, you have nearly no chance against any ranged, cause they are running around like stupid and thanks to their escape skills you can’t even land a hit if you are at them...
2020-01-07 03:15
# 6
People lowering their CP in Arena to cheese a win.
2020-01-09 08:24