If I'm not wrong there are only three methods of Pet acquisition:
Am I right or did I miss something?
If I’m right PET ALBUM is nothing more than shameless CASH GRAB.
I know its F2P (Free To Play) game which really means P2W (Pay To Win), but more or less this is the only thing I’ve seen in this game for which you have almost no way of furthering without real cash.
I may be wrong so, what do you guys think about that?
I just wanted to see what people think of it.
Most likely everyone understands that the goal of an enterprise like a game company is to make money selling games. That’s so obvious that it’s a cliché to bring it up.
I know its 2019 the year of macro transactions, and yes I mean macro not micro, you can easily spend thousands of dollars per month on just one game, so it’s not something small. It’s insanely profitable model just check the numbers:
Black Desert Mobile only in South Korea made 3x the revenue of Black Desert Online PC version global wide. (https://mmos.com/news/black-desert-mobile-earning-almost-3x-much-money-pc-version). Production cost of mobile game is nowhere near the cost of PC or console versions.
It’s not my first mobile game, but for the most part they just end all the same. Company focus on monetization not on content, which hurt’s overall experience. That’s why when I see shameless cash grab like this It just picks up my attention, and so I wanted to know what everyone else think about it. Is it ok with you that most focused and developed part of the game is real money shop?
Make sense that there are more mobile gamers in around 51 million people country than PC players around the whole world?
The cost of mobile game production is no way near the triple AAA game cost of any other platform, so what are they doing with all that sweet cash?
I can tell you for sure it is not put in the development of the game content (which is like half the content or ingenuity of PC game), other than real money cash shop.
Yes but it's a start, one step in journey of a thousand miles. You get maybe 50 CP out of it, but most likely next time they’ll add another hidden behind real cash shop thing that adds another 20-50 CP, and later another, and another, and so on and on. In game where 100CP can make a real difference it will show up it’s ugly head sooner or later, what money can buy. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next month, but we have whole year ahead of us, I bet there will be more that kind of content added in the future. Which realistically brings nothing to the table, there is nothing in it for players, no lore, just another collect them all.
Actions do speak louder than words, and actions like this say something along this lines:
“This game is not here for you to enjoy. This game is here for us to squeeze as much money out of you as humanly possible.”
So after 3 Weeks in this Game you are complaining about a little bit P2W, meanwhile People buying Blackpearls for Jewelery since Release.
Today is my seventh day in this game, and I enjoy it more than Lineage 2 Revolution. PVP is cool as long as you don’t get to fight half decent Valkyrie, or lags, camp with nods and crafting system is good, most of the grind you can automate which for me is big+, BOSS hunting makes me want to go from time to time without auto repeat, you can progress further than your CP allows on auto by doing things manually. Overall it’s not that bad of a game, which taking into consideration mobile game standards is good. But that’s for now, what will bring future, who knows? But Other than not paying a dime for RNG BS I don’t know any other way than discussion in order to show what you like and dislike, some constructive feedback from community is never a bad thing.