The Death of BDM
# 1

With Todays patch, I can no longer grind Kamasylvia as the the lowest area is now 30K, Why would this game raise the lowest area from 23k to over 30k with this patch. This is nothing more than tellin the player base to spend money to catch up or quit. There is no way I can gain 3k CP from 27k fast enough to get back to Kamasylvia. I now see why this game went to one server. They are killing their player base by advancing the new area with too high of Cp required areas, Less 500 Players in the world can now grind these area. Those most be the whales. Fix it or I'm done as so many other players will be as well. 

2022-04-19 07:40
# 2

I 100% agree..sadly


2022-04-19 09:23
# 3
Yeah its Dead tryed 5h to get xp from 58/59 - 0.8% i got even with boosts. PA is nearly Dead in EU (they support russia player base / payments)

In 6h i have done +22% with that called not working boost, i'm at 67.7%, that will take days until you pay for a boost pack.

2022-04-19 09:23
# 4
Boss knowledge adds up really quickly
2022-04-19 12:48
# 5

Users got forced to farm in areas recommended to their CP. Then the new area got so peaceful compared to the past when frontlines are so congested. 

2022-04-19 23:52
# 6
Deleted by the writer.
# 7
With this patch it's a great time to catch up on other things like boss knowledge since before being able to farm in the Frontline zone with ease left boss knowledge on the back burner since it was more beneficial to farm the Frontline. Take this time to burn tablets and stamps and maybe farm an area where you don't have mob knowledge
2022-04-22 06:47