"Equal" Normal Arena Duel for whom? MEMORY ITENS DESTROYING PVP
# 1
The proposal of the equalized arena is clear and specifically says ''equal to equal'', now tell me, for whom? just with
1 or a few basic hits from characters full of speed attack reduction memories it is possible to notice that your character
simply becomes useless, now tell me if they are items accessible to everyone? It's not time to review this anymore or they
will ignore it and allow the little pvp content that the new players could do to be destroyed, becoming just an elitist duel
without point and with people who simply manage to win just by leaving their character so ridiculously slow that you just
quit the game? Or do you increase your crit so stupidly that 1 single hit from a character like Legatus can halve your hp?
before,we could see beginner characters competing with more experienced ones in the arena, today the competition is only on

items that will make your character as ridiculous as possible, so I kindly ask you to have a more accurate view of these
differences that can destroy the game content.
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Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"
2022-04-14 07:21