# 1
Anyone on east coast USA with an actual life and responsibility now is disallowed access by the new arena schedule.
Setting up scheduled times for arena is a smart idea to funnel players to a specific activity - but you basically said screw you to everyone not on west coast time- and I'm pretty sure there are more people outside that time zone then in it that play this game and will be negatively affected by the schedule change.
Suggestion: add an additional time slot for each of these activities that would mirror the same amount of time allotted to the first time slot - but adjusted to be reasonable for (not necessarily tailored for because there are other time ones in the middle of west coast and east coast times) people on the east coast of the United States.
If you do that - you would fix the problem for a significant portion of the player base now being excluded from a game they love by the developers they trusted.
Keeping the arena events from not being used in black sun is a good idea - as it will funnel more activity to black sun - but you could have also made this easier on yourself by adjusting the schedule to never interfere with black sun or just turning off those activities when black sun is happening.
You guys at pa have a lot of options - but you need to take decisive action.
Community please like this post to petition the developers into action
2022-02-10 04:36