global gets litteraly nothing for christmass?
# 1

So... once again I checked what the koreans got this year and they got some nice stuff for silver and whatnot. I go to check if we got anything for christmass.... ohh yess a hotdeal for 32 euros for the scamshop. what the hell is wrong with these people in charge of global? i hope their dog takes a big dump on their nice carpet as a christmass present


Merry christmass to all!  except to the people in charge here they can fk right off

2021-12-25 01:30
# 2
Dude we just got so much stuff from the calpheon ball. Week earlier. How ungrateful can you be
2021-12-27 15:46
# 3
How do you figure people are being ungrateful? All we are asking is the SAME rewards from the SAME game. It's not KR and NA servers are 2 different games?! Because KR servers got everything from calpheON Ball as well..... So saying people are ungrateful needs to stop.
2022-01-04 03:13