need help on how to get my ascension
# 1



i am currently stuck at progressing with my Archer.
I am lvl 60 with 54% and cant progress anymore with the mainquest.
I am at 78% in North Mediah.

I dont know how but i dont have my Ascension.
I always geht a notification about Ascension/Awakening but when i click it it brings me to the storys.
I have done the Kamasylvian Heir which is i think the Quest where you get it, but i completed it without getting it.

i also did the other ones that i could and was 5/8.
The other 3 requires me to have an epic or above pearl outfit, Valencias Main Quest completed and Sausan Garnisons Quest completed.

How exactly do you get it?
I thought while doing that quest talking to Herawen that she just gives me the option to ascend, but it did not.
I asked in Chat and all that i could look forward to was completing the main story, but i am at 4528 combat power and cant really defeat Sausan Soldiers in Sarma Outpost
I wanted to complete the main story quickly to unlock offline Questing for my other chars, is that the requirement ?
Pls help me, I will give you all the details you may need to know .

2021-07-07 02:53
# 2
Your archer character is already ascended.What youneed to finish the main quest is to increase your cp.First collect world boss fragments and then create abyssal gears and then upgrade them.Your cp will increase.
2021-07-08 07:14