To play or not to play?
# 1
iOS and waiting all day. Like many others, feel I missed a whole days worth of activity. The open question I have for everyone, which is based upon opinion and void of facts: If I can login from an Android device or PC / other means and have time to play, should I forgo the unknown rewards and basically just hammer out everything I would do in a normal days play?

I highly doubt the rewards will be remotely worth it.

I think we should be rewarded regardless at this point (double digit hours of no access).

I’m OK knowing that I am in the same boat as other iOS users and can definitely do something else.

I played a lot the last few days and really want to play. I also don’t care much to play on my old android phone, but totally could (assuming the Login with Apple ID works, it does show as an option on Android).

I know this isn’t super constructive, but have a feeling some of us are thinking we might just figure out another way to play and get the fix in / get some shit done.

I also think if this is going to happen every patch, I should either decide not to play anymore or figure out alternative means of playing going forward....

Vent / share thoughts!
2019-12-17 17:08
# 2
At this point almost 12 hours into waiting, I’d hold out. They need to come so top heavy with these rewards and have so much to take into account. You will surely not receive awards if you log into NOX, Android or Blue.

Great post thread though. I feel the same way and have been battling the same thoughts. My Android guildies all cracked 55 today while I’m assed out.
2019-12-17 17:09
# 3
Agree with Vz.
2019-12-17 17:10
# 4

I play Nox from my PC. With my account linked to Apple

2019-12-17 17:14
# 5

I feel that man. I was wondering to myself if this is what is to be expected. and I personally, don't think I will quit, per say. But this really has set me back in the thoughts of P2P on iOS with this game. Just being able to login is going to be a gamble. I can say with absolute certainty tho, that if we have another double digit timer on ANY update for iOS again, this game will die to me. I am in awe that this neglegance was acted upon ON THE RELEASE WEEK of this game. And they want me to up vote it to be the Game of the Year? Are they crazy? I will end with this, this better be the LAST time, iOS suffers like this for PA's sake, because you can read the forums yourself lol, This is infuriating as a consumer, not only a player.

2019-12-17 17:15
# 6

Just wait.


It's been my experience with hiccups like this, people (the consumers) complain about getting some sort of compensation, then finally get their rewards and still complain over a free and ad free game, yet will still play.


They will learn from this experience and not repeat it for every patch. People may leave but many more will come.

2019-12-17 17:16
# 7
What’s Google play store doing that iOS AppStore isn’t?
2019-12-17 17:17
# 8
Thanks for the replies!

What is clear is many people are passionate about this game and enjoy it. We are mad because we can’t enjoy it. Extra mad if we paid $$$$ and can’t enjoy it.

It also goes to show that we own nothing and if they deleted the game next week and shut down the servers, it was all for nothing.

This is very disappointing, and incomprehensible that this could happen at this scale with a studio and game this big. But it is happening and here we are! :(
2019-12-17 17:19
# 9

The rules and oversight on the Google store are a bit more loosey goosey than the Apple AppStore.

2019-12-17 17:25
# 10



Mad or overly sensitive? I haven't felt a single pang of anger this whole time. Though I haven't spent any money, so it's only been a fun investment of time. 

2019-12-17 17:28