ios uptade
# 1
really???? the decal will be huge between the 2 platforms, I hope there will be 3x xp for 24 hours, and again there is the camp, the workers the wb, and all that goes for 3 days ?? I say bravo apple and their shit policy, wait 3 days for the processing of the updates, it is unseemly, I do not know what it is to activate the server, and he knew very well that it will last for the processing of the mis updated by applestore ...
2019-12-17 15:15
# 2
While the current issue isn’t on the PA side, they should have shut down for both platforms until the entire issue was resolved
2019-12-17 15:17
# 3
Nowhere does it state three days. Usually 24-48 hours. Long wait still, but not that long.
In fact after rereading the update by the devs, it almost seems like it’ll be sometime on the 17th, so today. Could be wrong. But let’s hope that it’s not too much long.
“■ Maintenance extended for iOS device users.
- Schedule: (UTC-8) 00:00 ~ Until further notice, December 17, 2019.”
2019-12-17 15:20
# 4
actually this is not a problem at the moment, it is applestore, for any application, during an update, there is a 48h delay for apple to check the content, and it is the big black dot compare to android
2019-12-17 15:20
# 5
About to just go buy another android lmfao
2019-12-17 15:21
# 6
It's very funny. A huge company cannot solve such a problem. I have people in the game are going to leave. And as always, the compensation will be minimal!!
2019-12-17 15:22
# 7
Server rollback, refund android user rl money and big compensation for everybody. No other chance to make it fair.

PA made two big mistakes. First was update plan for iOS and second going back online with Android.
2019-12-17 15:22
# 8
Why other projects do not have such problems, everything is downloaded like everyone else
2019-12-17 15:23
# 9
2019-12-17 15:25
# 10
just wait 24 hours while the android can play, it's a very big disadvantage, because the level shift will be present when the players ios can play, I just hope that the next updated that there is more this problem, if each update, it offers us to wait 24 hours, er sorry may the games I delete it
2019-12-17 15:25
# 11
I also have a big question! So will it be after each update? If so, what's the point of ios players playing at all
2019-12-17 15:29
# 12

I can pretty much guarantee that it won't be functional until at LEAST tomorrow morning. They won't refund anything or rollback servers, lets be real it's all about $$. Developers could give a shit about user experience and retention, their goal is profit for investors.


Should a developer team working with iOS have some semblance of Apple's App Store procedure for uploading apps & updates?  Of fucking course so PA does not get to use that as an excuse. They really fucked up and the players they fucked over deserve to at least voice their opinions.

2019-12-17 15:38