iOS Update
# 1

Absolute joke. And I wanted to like this mobile idea. PA just proved they weren't capable :c

2019-12-17 15:02
# 2
Seems like the issue at this point is on the apple side of things, not entirely defending PA, you make a competitive game like this and because of the issue some people are going to loose their standings and those players are going to have to work twice as hard to catch up. Personally I think they should have kept the game down for both platforms until the entire issue was resolved.
2019-12-17 15:15
# 3

@Dom I completely agree with that point. And, as far as I've read on this forums, a lot of people agree with that as well. It almost comes across as elementary on the discision to continue letting a platform surpass another in, what you called, a competitive game. I just don't see the customer care from this company, much less respect it as a whole and giving them a pass and blaming it on Apple. I just hope this goes down as a lesson learned, and we can avoid and further delays in the iOS community


2019-12-17 15:27
# 4
I also have been thinking about how I’m going to catch up. I’m already so far from tier 1 players but on top of everything this delay is huge. A Kzarka pass isn’t going to help all that much. I’m hoping for a heap of stones and silver. I’m missing out on Atleast a mill silver gain. Like damn
2019-12-17 15:50
# 5

All that effort, time, and pearls and in return we get unfairly penalized. Not our mistake but we'll be the ones paying for it.


A kzarka pass won't do anything. Probability says it won't be what you want anyway.


Missed Guild Rush, and 11 hours wasted. Probably get kicked from guild soon too as we have a 20 hour absence rule.


Will just quit if they don't compensate appropriately.

2019-12-17 16:04
# 6

Agreed I will uninstall if we're not compensated appropriately, already requested refunds for in game purchases.


2019-12-17 16:18