Pet loot 1min 45sec NICE!!
# 1
why making it almost 2mins after loot now we need manualy pick the loots NICE GLOBAL SUCCKS

2019-11-15 01:31
# 2
Yea pet looting freaking sucks right now. I fully admit to having bought way too many pearls already - so i have 3 teir 2 pets, and have attempted (and failed 3 or more teir 3 attemps). My t2 pets cannot keep up with loot... why? It makes me question whether the rest of the cash shop is as much of a rip off as the pets. Perhaps i wont be buying any more pets for those t3 attempts as it wont benefit me

2019-11-15 17:12
# 3
Softlaunch is boring and trash slow progress 80% of player are max lvl event useless, now pet take to much time to loot can u make this game better than kr? world of dragonest is coming they will play it than BDM now for sure.. add more class and pet fix it
2019-11-17 19:49