# 1
So I've been playing the game for roughly 2 months now. In no way am I F2P or P2W. I'm somewhat in between. I like my grinds yknow. But you know what else I like? PVP!
Now I'm no expert on this game but, it doesn't take an expert to know that AM and Hashashin's are completely and utterly BUSTED.
AM has infinite mobility, invicibility, CC and takes almost 0 skills or gear to smash Arena.
Hashashins' literally have 2 super armor abilities with one of them having 2 charges. Oh and did I mention they also have an invincibility skill? Also, top it off with there insane CD time. You can win 90% of your matching using your right thumb only lol. (I've tried it and yes I've won, 6k CP hashashin as well).
By no means am I complaining, shoot, I myself have been abusing both AM and Hashashins NON STOP LMAO. Both of them being under 7k CP.
All im saying is, how is this allowed in a game where GEAR MEANS EVERYTHING?
And don't sit there and try to tell me "sKiLLs maTtER tOo ". Don't lie to yourself lol. This game is the epiphany of a P2W game.
So again I ask, why is it that these two classes, with little to no gear and little to no skills, allowed to run RAMPANT??? Lol I'll be waiting for responses, until then, I'll take my lil 6k cp having ass to the arena and just stomp everyone until we get nerf'd lol. Thanks 😊
2020-11-02 01:08