Answer from PearlAbyss pls
# 1

Guys from PearlAbyss, can u don`t ingore people. Give us some answer, when u fix patch? Because it`s kinda stupid when u check game every 20 minutes, thx
P.S. Pray for iOS players FeelsBadMan

2019-12-17 12:30
# 2
As they have clearly stated:
„ Unfortunately, maintenance for iOS devices will be extended until further notice due to delays on the App Store. Please wait patiently with us as we wait for the App Store to finish distribution and necessary updates.

(12/17, 07:00 UTC-8 Update) - Waiting for an update to appear on the App Store.
(12/17, 08:00 UTC-8 Update) - Waiting for an update to appear on the App Store.
(12/17, 09:00 UTC-8 Update) - Waiting for an update to appear on the App Store.
(12/17, 10:00 UTC-8 Update) - Waiting for an update to appear on the App Store.
(12/17, 11:00 UTC-8 Update) - Waiting for an update to appear on the App Store.
(12/17, 12:00 UTC-8 Update) - Waiting for an update to appear on the App Store.“ they are waiting for the AppStore. It’s a known issue and look on the board first before posting another thread. And yes, I’m also an IOS player and a little mad, but for now they can’t do anything except of waiting. Please be patient, thank you!
2019-12-17 12:42
# 3

"but for now they can’t do anything except of waiting"


That's wrong. They could downgrade the servers until the update is ready. It's not apples fault, it's Pearl Abyss fault, because they uploaded the update to late.

2019-12-17 12:48
# 4

They even don`t try to write some answer, it`s just simple position, write that they wait for App Store. I need some specific answer, not like this.

2019-12-17 12:55
# 5
drocher, they can‘t be more specific. They are just waiting for Apple to approve the update. They are also waiting, thats it.
2019-12-17 12:59
# 6

Yeah, but if they can`t fix some problems with patch, they can answer to players at forum, why not? They even don`t write to any player here, just we wait... Shitty position for game company

2019-12-17 13:02
# 7

And why they have an in game launcher? Why they dont use that?

2019-12-17 13:04
# 8

Just Nah? They think that it`s normally, it`s really some sort of big problem write or call to direction of Apple, and add paid for urgent check of patch, for such company... It`s too much ways to fix it, but noone do it.

P.S. In USA now 13:08, not night..

2019-12-17 13:09