# 1
I am told that there is nothing that affects the RNG, and that obtaining rare objects is the same for all players, but I go to youtube and watch a video where a player pulls up to five sushis into two rounds of alchem stones. Is it serious?
Not to mention the players who get frustrated because when it goes playing (players who are since the opening) they have never received an abysmal team, while there are players who receive these abysmal teams in almost and the entire team. They damage the gaming experience by making other players very easy to make what others very difficult. This is not in player defense "f2p" because I see "p2w" players with the same problem. Seriously, this must end.
2020-07-24 10:12
# 2
Deleted by the writer.
# 3

it actually quiet true. spending players get more chances getting good rates in RNG if your a spender. i mean really HIGH spender. if you can cash out 2k USD. surely you'll get it. but other than, speedning like 30$ won't get you anywhere in this game. i'm actually thinking to not spending money on this game any more. it just frustrate me more tbh. 

2020-07-24 22:54