# 1
too sick for it you taken for granted for this update devs proves that you better to be awaken except the witchiest coz they launch the awaken but not yet release the 11th skill which is for witchiest escape skill and the only ascended class to face the awaken one was the huntresses coz you devs made that op.. now on the rest ascended class was took for granted by the awaken one the damage too high and too much overpowerness to the rest ascended so devs what now? are we going all to awake our ascended? coz you devs no buff at all for the ascended class or are you plan to quit na less spending players? and specially the free to play players? too sick for it it make sense you devs bring back the all skill passive/effect like on korea now in global if it is happen all are balance the ascend group and the awake group play not like you rebranding the skill too sucks for..
2020-07-09 10:56
# 2
The 11th skill is missing in all clases you know?
2020-07-09 12:41
# 3

1. Every class have not given 11th skills


2. You say ascended one is not good as others but Void knight, Huntress, Paladin, and Gladiator is still good. Only shitty class atm is Striker and Titan


3. As Void knight had changed on skills, the KR server is on change of Archmage as well. You need to consider that balancing cannot be satisfied by everyone, you just gotta wait until it becomes your turn. 

2020-07-09 22:40
# 4
yup even ascended classes 11th skill isn't available right now and those skills are pvp oriented skill which is better when we have it. but devs ascend and then awake now our champ still no 11th skill? .. how about the characters badly needed that skill to make it full combos.. plus the fact they rebrand the skill and now then the awaken one was op .. only huntress can face them coz devs made it op and if you match to high rank same skill level of yours awaken one is op if you didn't see that ok.. the ascend dk,glad,paladin,sorc, even the striker was good but now this patch awaken one is better and only need to ascend class is to buff it or give decent damage like the awake group.. titan and archmages badly need that plus the fact skill glitces to those two if you have a titan and archmage you know what i mean was . ..

2020-07-10 02:54