Sea content comming?
# 1

I really like Camp releasted content like Node manager, managing workers, decorating and especialy merchantry but i start to wonder if there will be sea content features, maybe someone know some plans devs present somewhere on the internet?


PVE is fun, PVP is well pvp on arena where you are payed2progress and try to compete or you are bag to punch, camp is great so more sea contnet releated to camp will be nice.


Anyone know some rumors?

2020-06-20 03:09
# 2
There is a big Sea content update , the KR side of it had some type of interview with the Devs and they said a big sea content update is coming to BDM. It probably won’t be as big as the PC version but hopefully we get whale hunting , guild ships , personal ships....maybe diving ?
2020-06-25 10:59