# 1
I'm sure I'm not the only one who
I started playing Black Deser Mobile at the right time its global version came out on the Play Store. I've been faithful, and even since I haven't gotten some red items. It's disappointing because I've seen a lot of people start at BDM and quickly get a red item, and me? Should I be P2w and buy them? If that were the case, then it makes no sense to farm and give my coins to Shakatu. It's sad, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's already thought of this. But I... I started together with BDM, and I didn't get a reward.
2020-06-19 13:45
# 2
I totally agree with you. Of course I understand BDM need at least some people to pay to finance the game and keep it updated. But there should be something for those who really work hard and online much. For the red items I always try to save Shakatus coins and use them when there is increased drop rate. But really in the game too much depends on luck. I don't mind its here and there but really sometimes it just feels like a casino in Las Vegas and people just end up frustrated. So hopefully for the future there will be a solution for example a really long quest what takes a week or 2 to complete. Just an idea. Until then we must try not to loose faith. 😏
2020-06-21 07:10
# 3
I’m in the number 1 guild on mediah and I can tell you that most people who have reds got them through the market. They saved silver from boss rushes , selling on the market and now just have preorders on reds. Even having a preorder on a red doesn’t mean you will get it as there are three types of bids and it’s RNG which the game chooses to sell for. So most reds for top players have come from the market not shakatur. You can really pay2win a red either because either way your gates behind RNG.
2020-06-25 11:06
# 4
Fiz o pré registro, logo quando lançou o game comecei a jogar ,já juntei mais de 300kk de moedas de ouro no shakatu e nunca veio um ítem vermelho, sem contar que os itens vermelho deveriam vim já com 3 slot de pedras e só vem com dois isso deixa mais desanimado ainda, sem contar que os atributos que cada item deveriam mudar a depender do grau , mais só muda o PD acaba sendo uns dos pontos mais fracos em Black deserty, a maioria dos mmo os atributos das armaduras mudam de acordo com o grau dela, isso não ocorre no Black deserty móbile. Sem falar do novo desperta das classes que deixaram várias classes que eram fortes e vão ser fracas agora, não sei o que se passa na cabeça dos programadores do game , em todos os jogos de mmo e RPG o mago sempre foi uma classe de da medo , já no Black deserty deixa a desejar , tenho todo o set absoluto de três slot com mais de 6000 de Cp e minha feiticeira tem 5k e alguma coisa bate bem mais que minha arquimago e não tem as armas absolutas eu acho isso um absurdo, é por esses motivos que eu venho cada vez desistindo de jogar o Black deserty móbile. É uma pena um game com tantas qualidades está dessa forma
2020-07-01 06:48