Awakening enhancement is literally the worst system I have ever seen
# 1

base on the rate of awankening enhancement, TET should be 20% rate, however what I experienced is completely trash! not even 5%. Paying don't make any difference in this game. Basically everyone I know who paid less than me have better gear, better enhancement rate, better everything. Either my account is bugged, or this game is just BAD. Spent 120 stones yesterday and got +40 for my shoe and glove. What a lovely rate! AND this is not the first time. Just two weeks ago I spent 100 weapon stone just to TET my mainhand. Math says, 1/0.75/0.6/0.4/0.2 = 27 stones per TET gear(without any scrolls or restoration scrolls). I spent 4 times of this number, and the rate is just completely TRASH! TRASH!


2020-06-08 00:35
# 2

I feel you bro recently I downgrade my PEN to PRI.. The rate of success from TET above is just abyssal I think we should just play this game like a marathon and be patient to get enough resources, restoration scroll and 50% valks before upgrading... And also to avoid disappointment I think we should make a duplicate of which gear we would like to push.

2020-06-08 01:02
# 3

I would rather just quit this game when GenShin is out, that game looks way better than this trash.

2020-06-09 07:41