that’s really sad... specially today when the world stands up against racial discrimination,... a company like PA ignoring such an issue.
There is a guy on the server calling himself ADOLF, making anti-semitic comments in the server chat. I reported him, but nothing happened, he still online. The email I got was a automatic generated notice that I should not ne frustrated… really ?
Dear PA, i am not asking you to standing on the street shouting black life matters , i am not asking you to use your social media platforms in order to make clear statements against racial discrimination , i am not asking you to use all your possibility’s to positively influence the young generation playing your games ....
I am simply asking you do not tolerate and in the end support racism in your games. Take some of the thousands of dollars invest in game support and administration and assume your responsibility.
And no. you cant be neutral and ignorant to this issue , you have to take side and if you keep ignoring this incidents you have picked your side already.
But honestly than your customs have to decide if they want to further support this company.
The man eho sees both sides of a question
is a man who sees absolutely nothing.
(Oscar Wilde)