# 1
Okay, we've got a new World Boss (YAY!!)
As if anybody really cared...
They patch up bugs so minor that we do not even know they exist...Strikers and Giants can still throw you outside the arena (personally I do not mind Giants throwing you off arena as the class needs SOMETHING going on for them)...classes still unbalanced...
And WOW...we can create ABYSSAL grade gear now, but with a catch:
You need an ABYSSAL grade fragment drop plus 150 GOLD fragments to create it...is it just me or is this a secret excuse to reduce the probability of Abysmal Grade Equipment drops (i.e. if they actually drop)...
Quicker lightstone and crystal fusing...I do not recall that EVER being a problem...
Family and Guild ranking...Guilds okay...but Family? Do you even care?
These are "touch up" patches that should be employed after all the GLARING mistakes are rectified...but are released as if these are the demand and priority patches...
I am pretty sure I am not the only one not interested and lowkey disgusted with the patch...
2020-05-26 06:06