What with the unfair love to paladins and huntresses?
# 1
I am a Warrior main at cp 4500 with a Paladin alt among others at cp 4300...
During PvP battles...all I do with my Paladin is mash any and all buttons like a maniac and still manage to win 90% of my matches...but with the Gladiator...every match is a butt sweat...

Why is Paladin made so powerful? I do not want to change to Paladin but it seems stupid not to...

And don't try shitting on my style...I am a good Warrior on Diamond now and I really want to go to Master with my Warrior and not my Paladin...

And why is the Warrior so glitchy...its takedowns don't work half the time, none of the super armour skills work at any given moment...you have a shield but other classes have invincible bodies...
And Huntresses...I do not play with it much...but it basically has around 10 evades so...

Why the hate on Warriors? AND WHERE IS MY SPEAR?!?!?!

Global devs do not seem to know how to balance classes...

2020-05-20 06:19
# 2


or do you have a new server or master with 4500? well good luck man))
2020-05-21 10:07
# 3

in my server. you can't reach master with a CP like that. esp. most people at the end of Diamond rank, people have 5k cp with PVP stone. And they know how to use their class properly warrior or not. you'll see all kind of warrior better than you. I even saw a better pally player than me.  For huntress, i was able to manage because of the PVP stone. they are as painful as hell. with those Stunlock, and flaming arrows deals massive damage. 

2020-05-21 19:22
# 4

5K Gladiator here at diamon Dendelion F2P with +25 pvp stone

Yeah the most anooying is huntress. they have unli chain evades with very fast cast skill with stun and daze. It's almost imposible to get them and when you do you have to do it about 4 times to win. 

For palladins it's meh for me. most palladins just mash buttons so. i just bait there 2 dashes. with my evade. then chase them down my double charge and grab. 
Rince and repeat just remember to always keep the shield up because they have almost instant long range skill.

As for huntress is so hard. you basically have to bait them into comiiting and then you go in with a grab or bluff because they have so many evade. 
So you have to dash + skill then raise your shield almost imidiately because they have a lot of fast cast stuns and daze. 1 wrong move and the hunress hits you with a daze /stun it's a chain stun from there and you dead. 

2020-05-22 23:03