neglecting hacker and bug abuse Has gone on to long!!!
# 1
1. Speed hack in arena and world pvp
We don't imagine these things because if we have Max stats and the guy is moving 5 times faster than us I'm sure something is wrong. This is mainly used with huntress and valk so they can abuse there extremely ridiculous CD times on skills and spam them while moving or charges.

What's pearl abyss done about this???
Absolutely nothing banned a few people woopieeee !!

2. Bug abuse this one is a new trick high tier players are using I even got a nice picture for you guys to explain the lengths people go to cheat in game see picture below.

Stand in a certain spot in arena then knock you outside the Arena you can't get back inside it's a complete loss.

What's pb done about this nothing absolutely jack shit no barrier fix nothing it's been mentioned hundreds of times yet they don't fix it so now people are actually abusing it.

3. No CD on skills yep that's right there is a script so you can not only have speed hacks but you can also have 0 cds on your skills so you can spam them till your fingers fall off.

Yet again wait for it pb ? Nothing no response to the community about these players just a simple section of banned bot accounts in silence.

4. Multi boxing black pearl abuse, for those of you that aren't aware since launch nothing has plagued black desert not quite like the corona virus but it's close. So basically players will make 50 accounts do the storyline quests and Flood the +10 white accs then sell the black pearl.chests to main there are a few other tricks they used during events.

Pb was aware of this and banned a few but when your facing hundreds even thousands of accounts it's hard to track the trades.

5. Win trading siege win trading nodes complete abuse and guilds actually getting away with this seems pearl abyss like people abusing the systems. They simply have alts guilds or truces and trade wins or if you piss them off there gank you in node war 2v1 so you don't spoil there plans to cheat the system. It was only 5 weeks ago we have 4 guilds in our server with same name VVV abusing this system on a daily basis once the water got to hot they changed there names back and made all guilds less attention.

Pearl abyss are aware of this but the damage is done it took 5 months before they listened by then 62% of guilds where dead.

6. Now I'm not sure if this is a glitch or hack or just a bug but I'm sure some of you may have experienced this. The target button, once your click it your locked into the target 80% of the time your find it's against huntress and valks I find during mid rotation it toggles off and I start missing my skills and ccs due to the lockon being off. I've lost so many times because of this it's so frustrating!!

Its been mentioned before in threads but pearl abyss has yet to fix this.

Funny thing is imagine if the cash shop had a a bug where items sold for 1 sliver bet that would be fixed instantly!!!

As you can see there is a pattern they simply arent listerning some of these issues can easily be fixed but it's pure neglect when pushing cash grabs and p2w packages comes first before actually fixing issues that could result in complete failure for our community.

Let's face it it's not a cheap game to play when it comes to spending there are people here that have spent thousands of $$££€€€
Only to be met by poor customer service neglect form the devs and a forum that has not one single response from a MOD or Dev to any post.

Its real shame!

2020-05-11 14:13