Dear Pearl Abyss,
It's been weeks since the Siege Wars were introduced and I'm sure same amount of time have passed since you recieved your first complaint about Siege Wars were "sold out" between guilds since it's nearly impossible (at the current state of CP and the game in general) for defending side to actually keep the castle. Yet it is really easy for them to decide wich guild will recieve it by simply not upgrading the artifact prior to the beginning of the Siege and eventually slowing down one of the guilds (blowing up the bridge on their side and rushing their relic), so in a meanwile their "friendly guild" (we, L2 oldfags, call it 69) can rush defence relic and kill it in no time. Such behavior is even porhibited by Operational Policy of Pearl Abyss but it keeps happening EVERY saturday and nothing yet to be done. I tried discord, submitting a ticket on official website, I'd even even write you on facebook (but it seems that you guys have turned off the messages there) to complain about recent Sieges and the only time I got a resopnse was thorugh ticket system and it was "unsatisfying". You even refuse to follow your own policy and block the violators...and something must be done about this issue. Guild's are collecting funds, members hoarding resources, prepearing for the Siege by moving stuff in IRL just to make 100% precence on those Siege Wars (yes, there are people that actually work on Saturday nights) only to be "screwed over" in 10 minutes by guilds that do not follow the rules of the game (a.k.a Operational Policy)
I know you've been familiar with the issue and, I hope so, working on resolving it but in the meanwhile, there are guild that abusing it since there is no punishment for such actions. You need to start following your own rules and acting accordingly. Something like that happened? The Policy clearly states that the punishment is 7day ban for 1st violation and we expect you to follow it. I guarntee you, as soon as first few guilds will end up with 7 days ban it will stop and you will have time to actually resolve the main issue - poorly planing of the Siege Wars.
Sincerly yours, BDM fan
Or, instead of complaining you could come up with a better strategy. My guild on Kaia/America has faced this situation and never failed to win anyway. This last week, we simply took out the other guild while they were trying to get the Castle crystal down. It was a plan and teamwork that keeps us winning despite the other guilds wanting to handoff to their preferred guild. Try Less crying...more planning...more winning. When you lose, you're not getting "screwed over"'re being give a chance to come up with a better plan by learning from what happened and making a better plan. It could also be your guild is just not strong enough despite high participation. Stop complaining, it only makes you sound weak and immature.'s not impossible. If you read my post, I just told you we did it last week under this condition. We've been winning every time like this. Get a better strategy or get stronger. No one on the server wants our guild to get Castle but we keep getting it anyway no matter what deals they make...and how much they try to beat us together to do it.