Disgusted By The Greed
# 1

The greed from this patch was disgusting. From the high prices to the amount of resources needed then layered on top of an rng system, with backwards progression. One could easily spends thousands of dollars and with a little bad luck could end up at the same spot before they started echanting. This was the exact same system that made my friends and I quit BDO pc, the backwards progression is too much to handle after pouring so much time and resources. Please Pearl Abyss, have a look into your system before you start to lose your player base.  My collective group of friends and I have decided to stop spending on the game until changes are made. I recommend people of the community do the same so Pearl Abyss recongizes the problem, this level of p2w with backwards progression isnt acceptable.

2020-04-21 15:32
# 2

I couldn't agree more. Backwards progression is the exact reason I stopped playing BDO PC. 


PA please do something!

2020-04-21 15:40
# 3
This post is spot on, I'm not spending another dime on this game. Pearl abyss are tooooo greedy
2020-04-21 15:41
# 4
Very true I don’t get it why this works like this the rng
2020-04-21 15:58
# 5

Trying to get everyones stimulus checks :O


I use to buy all the time on PC version came to mobile cause it was way less p2w.
I buy periodically on mobile, but keeping my wallet in my back pocket now.   Been wanting to quit spending for bdo mobile this update did it for this guy.







































2020-04-21 16:03
# 6

If customers stop buying and spend real money, the seller must improve their product and services.

2020-04-22 04:21
# 7
Mejorar los eventos por favor..
2020-04-22 23:58
# 8
Am ok with spending my own money that i work to get it on games but on rulse & one from these rulse is if it gona make me happy player why not!!
but this PA is so greedy that am starting to hate there games . No single dollar is out to them from my bucket
2020-04-24 02:59
# 9
Deleted by the writer.
# 10

I totally agree with you guys.Bringing this new gear awaken enhancement system into the game at this particular time.When everybody is feeling the pinch of this pandemic.They seem to forget that people are struggling financially or they just don't care.The cost of the enchament packs in the shop are beyond belief and to make people buy them.They set the enchament level of success so low that you fail more oftem that not.The amount of resources it cost to make a stone and get a 50% scroll is a joke and when you fail the restore it costs you double to get your Enhancement back if you are lucky.This game is like a gambling machine and they know that people spend money that they can't afford to spend.It's for this reason that I have decided not to spend another penny on this game.I understand that they need to make money but this is GREED on another level.

2020-05-05 11:37