Arena rating for those who have money
# 1

Why is the rating arena not equal to everyone in terms of combat power? why should I play against 5200+ in the diamond league with a fighting force of 4600, where I almost do no damage, and they kill me two or three times ?? I think the answer is one, now the rating arena has become only for those who have more money, if you do not invest, then you will lose to those who invest. Well, what next, red chests with equipment can be bought for money? why not? Balance the ranking arena!

2020-04-11 02:33
# 2
Have to agree. I have never seen a more broken arena system in an mmorpg. Seen one or two just as bad, but none worse. Also, most those games ended up failures. Not sure if coincidence...
2020-04-11 09:15
# 3
this "ranked" system is the most p2w i ever seen in my entery life... only cp maters
2020-04-12 08:33
# 4

They should make seperate arena.  If you buy from cash shop it only lets you join cash shop player arena.   If  you dont use cash shop you could choose to play f2p arena or cash shop arena.

2020-04-12 15:46
# 5

Let them simply equalize the fighting force for everyone in the tournament arena, because a tournament for that and a tournament should be decided by SKILL, and not a wallet with money. In the ordinary arena, just let them leave the difference in combat power as it is, anyway there is no rating there, and no one is looking at skill.

2020-04-13 02:49