Very disappointed with Ranked Arena
# 1
Im not FtP and not a Whale either, but this high CP favored ranking is really bad indication that its only going to get worse for majority of the playerbase. Ranked Arena should be more skill-based and less about cp. We already have CP ranking for that. Im abandoning ship if P2W becomes unbearable. High CP ranks are taking over everything in this game. You cant even enjoy a balanced PvP anymore..
2020-04-08 11:45
# 2
Not to mention Huntress is loaded out with an untouchable kit. Without any super armor you will pretty much never get on a skilled Huntress player. They will interrupt any leap or dashes you have and kill you from across the arena. What kind of balance team do you have PA?
2020-04-08 12:52
# 3

I just dont understand PA's decision to make classes that can already easily escape have immunity to CC on top of it.

Raven, archmage and Huntress need a rework of some sort.

They have immunity to CC and bypass super armour and forward guard, pure nonsense.

2020-04-08 15:39