game is broken - its same since launch , predatory and lame they just steal money . damn i want my m
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game is broken - its same since launch , predatory and lame they just steal money . damn i want my money back from 4 monthz ago i didnt know the game will be so sh*tty :(   sending new playerz as cannon fodder to boost damn ramoness numberz , to show liez like there is a working blanaced pvp in this crappy game .

korea OP classes are nerfed here , game is broken and they just nerf and break gameplay each week . everyone forgot the drops "accidental" nerf and  they "accidently" added 10 new pearl items in pearl store to cover all that rare drops ? they said accident and took a week to "fix"  .... liez over and over , nothing new.

i quit for a year , maibe in 2021 game will be playable .

2020-03-31 12:38