Share Your Most Treasured Memories
# 1


My Most Treasured Memories in Black Desert Mobile . . .


memory 1 - Top 1 Player from Velia 'xxyx' motivated me to push harder during the initial months of the game,

enabling me to reach the 89th place in the top 100 rankings.

It was a significant achievement for me, as it was the only day I found myself in the top 100.


memory 2 - Battlefield Hexe Marie in the first Nightmare - It's unforgettable.


memory 3 - memories of joining and conquering castles in my first top guild, GYM,

which has now been renamed to EИYGMA.

It was an exciting and fulfilling experience for me.


memory 4 - The memory of being the first to conquer level 99 of two bosses,

Muskan and Giath in Elion on the Velia server will always hold a special place for me.

However, after the server merged, the Velia server rating disappeared, which was disappointing.


memory 5 - I created a character Void Knight named Jeina who, in my opinion,

bore a striking resemblance to one of my friends, whom I was in love with.

She is now married, and I genuinely hope she is happy.

However, my created character Jeina remains with me as a reminder of a lost love.


memory 6 - Returning to playing BDM (Black Desert Mobile) with my character Drakania

after having played as Drakania in BDO (Black Desert Online) was a great experience.

It felt nostalgic to see Black Desert Online again after spending years playing Black Desert Mobile.


memory 7 - The time when I started purchasing Belucci Rubies was not because no one needed them,

but simply because I found them to be beautiful and incredibly rare.

If my memory serves me right, I either never managed to find one or only came across it once.

However, now I have accumulated almost 700 of them. I doubt even Shakatu has that many =D


memory 8 - The memory of defeating Garmoth solo after hours of relentless effort on my Woosa character,

whose name is 女王晶紫響薇亚姫神女, remains an unforgettable feeling.

I was able to overcome the dragon with the help of Woosa.

Since then, I have been consistently defeating Garmoth solo,

with only one or two exceptions when I joined group battles out of curiosity.


memory 9 - After defeating Garmoth, there seemed to be no worthy opponents left.

However, with the introduction of Land on the Morning Light, Duoksini emerged as a formidable adversary.

Playing as my Woosa character, named 女王晶紫響薇亚姫神女,

I faced the challenge of surpassing Duoksini. It took me around 20-40 attempts, and it was far from easy.

Despite the significant power advantage in Duoksini's favor,

I learned that victory is not solely determined by raw power but by skillful control.

Currently, Duoksini in LVL 5 has a combat power of 71k.


memory 10 - I set myself the goal of defeating Laytenns in the Black Sun in order to obtain

the summon scroll of the Black Rock Shrine and the Thunder God's Power Cores.

Currently, I have accumulated over 100 cores, which serves as proof of my unwavering determination and

perseverance in achieving my objective.

By receiving the temple summon scroll on the Black Sun,

I surpass the top-ranked player since they must engage in player

destruction and score the most points to obtain the scroll.

Instead, I choose to fight a worthy opponent, placing my family above all.


memory 11 - parting time... no, no, I'm still here.

Sometimes, the time comes to say goodbye,

like in this video, and to open up new horizons.


I want to express my gratitude to Pearl Abyss for providing me

with the opportunity to share my Most Treasured Memories over the years of playing Black Desert Mobile.

Even though the rewards for victory may not always be substantial, the value of these memories is much higher.

Perhaps these 11 memories will inspire someone to discover something new, something unknown...

Thank you,



Family name: 黒大砲空虚王国

Server: Velia


p.s. (黒大砲空虚王国 - translate fron Japanese as BLACKCANNON's VOID KINGDOM, that's why I am BLACKCANNON).

2023-12-02 16:32
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