BDMWC – Ramoness S2: Europe Quarterfinals Match Schedule
# 1

Greetings, Adventurers! 
Here is Europe's Quarterfinals match schedule for Black Desert Mobile World Championship: Ramoness - Season 2! 
If you are a participant, please make sure that you are online both in-game and on Discord by the time indicated for your specific Group. All other information are available in the [Please Note] section.


6/4, 16:00 (GMT+1)
BalaBibS vs PalkaKopalka
Балабиба  NOVADRAYZ  Dragdance  Bonnuz  CrazySeregas  SCANDAL 
Svinorezka vs UDed
TheWorld  Bl00deR  Ramzez13  KaПpu3a  SAVАGE  JustFoki 
6/4, 17:00 (GMT+1)
Shaolin vs BREXIT
鐵匠Smithy LordZhask  講師Lector Valize  Marchief  Fancybrits 
DreamTeam vs ThugLife
сaramel  Pollux  Rоsgаrd  OpxExtasy  LaQuiica  Otzutsuki 


■ Please Note 

  • All indicated times follow the time zone of Black Desert Mobile’s [Europe] region. 
  • All participants must be online in-game and on Discord by the designated time for each Group. 
  • The Quarterfinals will be played in a [Best of 5] format.
  • After the Discord invitation has been sent to the next teams that are playinga five-minute timer will begin, by which all participants must join the lobby and press [Ready]. Failure to do so will result in disqualification. 
  • The indicated times are subject to change. If a delay is to occur, participants will be notified as appropriate.
  • Please refrain from playing normal Ramoness matches before the scheduled tournament match.
  • Starting from the Round of 16, participants will be able to change characters between matches for strategic purposes. To compensate for the time required to swap out gear between characters, a maximum of 5 minutes will be allotted for a character change


Thank you. 

2020-05-28 09:03
Black Desert Mobile
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