Class specified quests - lore progression for every class
# 1
Hi PA!
Since the removal of the base form or the preawakened form, it feels like the sense of our chosen class's progression is missing. Although it does makes our grinding faster since the damage of the already awakened/ascended class is high. But it somewhat removes the bond between the adventurer and his chosen class as it grows. One of the reason why most adventurers just moves from one class to another easily. (class imbalance is the main cause btw but there's progress in the reworks).
As an MMORPG fan and an aspiring developer, I think this feature where you grow with your class not just by level/item but also class changes itself where it takes effort should be present, since it defines who you are, you are your own character/class. You can say I miss the old class selection system, I even played as an unspecified (unawakened/unascended) back then. 


But it does not mean that PA should revert it back. What I'd like to suggest is that maybe make a few class specified quests with a bit of continuation to its own lore unlockable by level 80 or something, Where completion of these high difficulty quests rewards us an additional skills depending on which type of quest you accepted.
Just a thought.
2022-05-12 21:01
# 2
Oh.. and I suggest PA should use a cinematic PvP/PvE contents of the game for advertisements, in my own perspective, people are attracted to close-up fast paced combat.
*And I hope that chaos gear tier is the final tier. Adding more contents that increases the max CP cap caused some adventurers to leave the game (I know a few). Character related improvements or hidden perks rather than CP increase might prevent adventurers from retiring. 
*Bring back the old Market, where lower tier gears are sellable, removing lower tier gears from the market affects new adventurers, might also want to add where an enhanced gear is sellable in the Market. 
*Let us sell white pearls for a high amount of silver, like exchanging a hard earned real-life money for a hard earned in-game money or vice versa. Yes we already have BPC but the price is a too low, might want to just increase its base price instead. Also there are things that can't be bought with whitepearls and things can't be bought with silver alone. 
But, class balance should take the first priority. Thanks PA!
2022-05-13 02:31