Huntress, humiliation and pain
# 1

Унизили Охотницу по полной. Пробивной способности на контроль практически нет. В обновлении от 03/24/20  еще и половину дебаф убрали
Сорке 14 пунктов улучшили при этом!
ОБРАТИТЕ ВНИМАНИЕ НА ВАЛЬКИРИЮ!!! Ее не реально законтролить лучкой вообще. Редкий случай удачного попадания. Скорость сумашедшая у нее!
Понижать контроль и имунитет к контролю нужно воинам.

ПОЛНЫЙ дисбаланс
Еще и плюнули в лицо своим игрокам с лимитом на босов
Degraded the Huntress to the fullest. There is practically no penetrative ability to control. In the update from 03/24/20, half of the debuffs were also removed. Forty 14 points were improved at the same time! PAY ATTENTION TO VALKIRIA !!! It is not really possible to control the beam at all. A rare case of a successful hit. The speed is crazy with her! To lower control and immunity to control is necessary for soldiers. FULL imbalance. They also spat in the face of their players with a limit on bosses

2020-03-27 05:50
# 2

These are the little things that if they don't solve it in the next update, they make you start looking for other games.

2020-03-27 15:58
# 3

We didn't hear you complaining when huntress was the most OP class of the game. This donwgrade of 3/24/2020 is deserved, your class has everything to ruin its opponents. Insane dammage, Insane range skill, insane mobility, fastest cc in the game. And even with that downgrade, you remain one of the best class in pvp. Learn to play your class seriously. Spam skills are not enough to win a duel.

But I agree on one point: Valkyrie needs a downgrade too.
2020-03-28 07:38
# 4
Huntress is not op their dmge pretty much average but the speed and range definitely better than most class, they really easy to deal with if you can stick close to them, at any rate huntress is just the most easiest class too use in 1v1
2020-03-28 11:12
# 5
a character with a bow has always been a killer who is powerful at a distance,
now this character does not have these remote abilities, it could be easier to make a hunter armless and legless,
that it would be clear why she can neither cause damage and run away, warriors and Valkyries are not controlled,
this was understandable for a giant who used a special skill, but why does a warrior just walk in a protective stance and
is able to change direction without losing his advantages? why does the jump button at the Valkyrie work like a teleport,
we see an animation of the movement but cannot damage it and cannot stop it, why does the hunter not
jump to the other end of the arena?
2020-03-30 07:13
# 6
Lol after the downgrade archer still one of the best chars on pvp just learn how to use it man. This ppl just want their class op on auto mode, you have to be kidding.
2020-03-31 02:10
# 7

the one who says that you need to learn how to play your character, I’ll just tell him, son, go teach your mother how to cook, the hunter has no skills for close combat and cannot run away, this is the problem of the hunter, so go do the lessons

2020-04-02 22:55
# 8
Any huntress and warrior can eat paladin. Just know how to play! Paladin don’t have iFrame l, just super armor or foward guard, paladins don’t have higher damage like sorcerer and huntress, paladins don’t have hp, paladins only have 2 knodowns, most of classes has a lot; grabs can cancel all skills from paladins. People are newbies; and their cry is about to touch the sky!!
2020-04-11 12:37
# 9
Use translate spanish: para empezar no veo la necesidad de nombrar madres en un juego un poco de respeto no te vendría mal. Te quejas de distancias cortas cuando estas jugando hunter, si quieres una clase que sea buena a corta distancia estas con la clase equivocada, la arquera puede atacar prácticamente desde un lado a otro de la arena ,y dices que no tiene skills para alejarse? Enserio? Conozco arqueras y no opinan lo mismo que tu ,quizás necesites un poco más de práctica , la arquera tiene varias skills que le proporcionan invencibilidad y le alejan del enemigo, si pretendes que la skill te aleje 50m del enemigo, espera sentado,solo te quejas por cosas que hacen la lucha justa, que pretendes que le añadan un teleport como archmage? Estas de broma acuestate chaval y aprende a usar la clase.
2020-04-13 22:29