[Black Desert Mobile Guide] Best tips
# 1

Hi I am Aodhan from Calpheon server and here to give you some tips.



1. Quest! Quest!

Since this game is MMORPG, quest best way to lvl up and get black stones. Also it gives you a contribution point which will allow you to hire more workers in camp. Push your main quest far as you can for fast level up and increasing CP. BTW some of quests will increase your weight limit so complete main and sub quests.


2. Enchancement

Letting you know it depends on person but I do 100% rate because you might throw your phone when you fail at 95% rate. It happens TT

* Enchance untill the resonance which is system gives you bonus CP when you acheive all your equipments to certain enchancement (15<18<20<23<25<28<30)

* Enchance Priority      Weapon > Sub Weapon          Armor > Helmet > Gloves > Shoes


3. Boss rush and Ancient ruin

Try do as much as Boss rush and Ancient ruins as it is best way of obtaining silvers, knowledge and black stones. Not only about them you can get your equipments and lightstone + fragments.


4. Knowledge

So think as knowledge = passive skills. Not only about CP and HP, it will increase your stamina point or make your workers stats. Throught some contents, when you get stuck, this knowledge will be very useful. This can be obtain by killing monsters certain amount, pushing quests, amity quests and finding hidden knowledge.


5. Arena

Even if you are not a competive person just try win a 5 arena a day for your reward and boxes. Whether it is small or big rewards are always good


6. Ramoness

Similar to Arena but this one goes 3 vs 3 and winning is depending on how many points you get. You can get it by killing oponents or destryoing objects that appears on map. Ramoness's reward is way more better than arena and also there is possibility of getting carried, so try it. Even if you lose, you can still obtain your daily rewards and also even if your CP is not high, you can win using objects effects


7. Cash Tab

Even if you don't pay money on your mobile game, this game allow you to obtain your black pealrs by playing it and some of stuffs can be bought using black pearl such as Tier 1 pet (1 per week) and chicken soups (3 per day)

Also Talish's shop is one of best source of lvling up your black spirit and cheap so try your luck

And don't forget free draws


8. Guild and Friends

In this game I recomend you to get these fake friends even if you don't like having it. you can get it up to 50 and everyday by greeting them you can get these tokens. Also get your guild and atending it everyday while completing guild quests will give you some tokens. These tokens can be used in Cash tab as well 


2020-01-10 03:34