Complete Boss assortment for East Coast US when?
# 1

Some people have to get up at 4am or a little later for work so staying up all hours of the night to defeat a World Boss on a mobile game is not an option. Then you have an event that doesn't include certain time zones? That's what I call a slap in the face for paying customers. This has been a problem for a long time now so until this changes, not another dime out of this customer. Don't get me started on the BS boss drop rates. Been playing since day one and like many others who have, not one piece of boss gear yet I keep seeing people in full sets of boss armor...WHY SUCH A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PLAYERS? Perhaps it's because certain time zones aren't willing to risk lack of sleep/job performance to have an opportunity to get such items from world bosses. FIX THIS S***. 

2020-08-20 13:25
# 2

Yes, this needs to be fixed now.

2020-08-21 10:24