Why they entered to the temple so fast? Are they the flash?
# 1
I tried to tap to enter with my own finger but it’s not work for any rounds !! So sad
2020-07-26 06:25
# 2

Make sure u play on your own region with lowest ping as possible.  I usually click both rooms that i want at same time.  Got in 4/6 times times so far.


1000slots isnt very much, so u need some luck.   also if some1 runs out of coins, they prolly exit and there is a chance u can enter later and still be able to get top prizes.

2020-07-27 03:34
# 3

stupid move from PA. they never consider the volume of players going to enter this stupid event. attend that event only to find out you won't get in the room lol. 

2020-07-31 03:41